星期一, 十二月 21, 2009



星期五, 十二月 18, 2009

12-18-2009 Prepare for the Holiday

I. SKI. At Mt Rose, the closest ski resort to Reno.

Check weather after 12/24 and find a good weather day to set out. Before set out, book the hotel. Take I80 to Reno. Ski lesson for Jonathan and Yong at Mt. Rose. Yong bought his ticket from his company with $10 discount.

We will hold a holiday party with Eric and Kelly at our house. We can have hot pot.

What to bring to ski:
1. Snow sled. (we already got it)
2. Helmets. ( We already got it)
3. Warm clothes, hat, scarf, gloves, sun glasses, snow boots. ( We already got it)
4. Cell phone, and notebook, GPS.

What to check:
1. Hotel
2. Rental, or buy?


II. Fireworks on 12/31/2009.
Interested to go to Golden Gate Park for New Years Eve? Hiking in the lovely park for the day, picnic lunch, dinner in China Town to celebrate New Year. Then watch the fireworks on fisherman's wharf?